Where can I see the re.corder in action?
You can watch several videos made with re.corder in our YouTube channel In addition to the videos made directly by us in the channel you will find a section dedicated to video reviews and musical performances of various YouTubers. We recommend you to join the Re.corder Community on Facebook, where you can interact with early adopters and […]
Can I get involved on the future development of re.corder?
Of course you can, and we would be delighted! We have created a specific group on Facebook where we give support to users, exchange experiences with re.corder, and also discuss about future developments. Join the re.corder Community now to interact with early adopters and help the further development of re.corder with your ideas!
How did the story of re.corder begin?
re.corder was born after 2 years of design and development in the laboratories of the Italian start-up ARTinoise. Between October 2019 and September 2020 the company launches a crowdfunding campaign in which almost a thousand backers from all over the world participate. In early 2021, the first production is released, almost entirely for the project’s backers, […]
What about latency?
BLE midi latency is inherently very low (few milliseconds). Depending on the host platform, the software used and CPU performance, your final latency (midi + audio) may vary. Normally, with most systems, the latency is not noticeable in most situations but might require some adjustments from the player when working in close sync with other […]
Is re.corder polyphonic?
Yes, it can be polyphonic. We are also developing a way of associating chords to buttons! There are a few demo videos in our YoutTube Channel where the re.corder is played this way.
How can I amplify the sound of my re.corder?
Simply connect the headphone output of your smartphone or tablet with a cable to the AUX input of a speaker. IMPORTANT NOTE: Avoid using a speaker connected to Bluetooth as the delay in sound reproduction will not allow you to play correctly!
Can I use the re.corder without blowing air into it?
yes! the re.corder can be used as a controller even without blowing (lip sensor mode). This can be useful for people with disabilities or conditions that render difficult breathing. You can also use re.corder on a flat surface playing it as a piano or percussion pad (keyboard mode)! Learn more about re.corder by watching this video on […]
Can I connect re.corder to my favourite Synth?
You will need an adapter, unless your synth has Bluetooth MIDI in. The re.corder connects only through MIDI over BLE which is a wireless MIDI standard and allows for full wireless MIDI compatibility. Your Synth probably does not read BLE MIDI in but it is likely that your laptop or smartphone will. Both modern versions […]
Can I switch octaves for the same fingering style?
Absolutely, you can switch octaves up/down covering the whole 0-127 midi notes span. You can decrease an octave by pressing the CIRCLE + TRIANGLE keys simultaneously and increase an octave by pressing the CIRCLE + SQUARE keys simultaneously. Learn more about this topic by watching this video Subscribe to our YouTube channel and click on the notification bell […]
What fingering style is it using? Is it customisable?
The ‘acoustic’ fingering is Baroque, allowing for forked positions and correct pitch on many notes and variations. The holes of the recorder have embedded invisible capacitive sensors and the C, D and thumb holes are doubled to allow sharp notes and octave switch. With the app configuration page you can change between different fingering and […]